Wednesday, July 22, 2009

She Makes My Heart Happy

My sweet Devyn. Sometimes this kid gets a bad wrap because she's stubborn. But do you know what? She happens to be one of the sweetest kids I know. First we have the story of her giving up her prized baby swing for her new niece (it was a good 12" too small.. but..) and now today, a new sweet story.

A couple of my girls are bored stiff. Arryn and Devyn happen to be the only girls in our area in their age group so sometimes life just isn't fair for them. Avrie and Madison are invited to party after party because there are so many kids their age, but poor Arryn and Devyn just sit at home. Well today, Avrie has a birthday party to go to. Rather than begrudge her sister, Devyn has spent the day going through her stuff to find something for Avrie to give her friend. She finally found the perfect gift. It's a beatiful Barbi Princess dress. She has painstakingly wrapped it up into a tight ball, covered it in paper and covered it in at least 15 feet of tape. She is now decorating Post It Notes to cover it with. When I said "Devyn, you know this party is for Avrie to go to" she just hugged me and said "I know, that's why I'm finding the perfect present for her to take".

I am so proud of this girl. I am so thrilled at the compassionate and sweet heart that she has. It gives me confidence that between her strong will and kind heart she will make a wonderful impact on this world!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Missionary Work

I just want to share my testimony of missionary work and encourage the few people that read this to join in and receive the blessings available to you.

It's a small thing that Heavenly Father has asked us to do. To simply share the joy, to share the blessings, to share the possibility of an eternal life with family. Why wouldn't we want to!? I know it's scary, I know that we might get rejected, we might feel embarrassed... but do you know what? We might also keep a promise to find a lost soul. We might save a family.

Just pray for the opportunity. I PROMISE you that Heavenly Father will give you one. Look around. There is SOMEONE that you need to find and reach. There is someone that only YOU can reach. Heavenly Father will point you in the direction. And then... it's all just a matter of prayer. Ask Heavenly Father how. He WILL lead you and guide you, every step of the way. It may be by simply befriending them. It may be an invite to church or to FHE. It may be giving them a BOM, or it may be sending the missionaries. But there is a way.

As soon as you make any effort at all, not only will you be lead to someone, but your own life will be blessed. Your own testimony will grow, there will be a beautiful spirit in your home, your personal prayers will begin to be answered even more than before. The blessings are so much more than what has been asked of us.

Please join me in praying for opportunities. I would love to hear your experiences and would even love to publish them here if you would be willing to share. It would inspire me as well as others. Pass the word along... let's help each other do the Lords work!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Lauren & Adam

I just wanted to tell you how much I've enjoyed the past couple of weeks with you and with little Libby. Thank you so much for allowing me to be in your home and have this time with your wonderful family. I am so proud of the parents that you are. You are patient, loving, kind, attentive, and adoring. I KNOW without a shadow of a doubt that you will raise your sweet daughter to know that her Father in Heaven loves her and that her mommy and daddy love her unconditionally. I know that she will get good care and get all of the attention that a little girl can dream of. I love to watch your interactions with each other and each of you with your daughter individually. Adam is funny, gentle and and right in there willing to help. Lauren has endless patience, is tender and and takes such good care of all of Liberty's needs. I am so excited for the future and to be able to watch your daughter blossom and grow! She has just the right touch of each of your personalities... that's evident already! I love you both so much and I love and adore my little Liberty!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Introducing Liberty Aspen Hart!

True to form, Lauren decided to not let anyone else determine how her life was going to go... deciding to surprise us all by going into labor the day before she was to be induced. I had planned on leaving at about 4:00 to go up so that I could be there in the morning for the induction. With the news that things weren't happening as planned, Matt drove us quickly and safely to Orem in circumstances that were against us the whole way... getting us there just in time for Lauren to start pushing. I know that Heavenly Father had a hand in helping us be there for the big event because all odds were truly stacked against us. We left Toquerville at 4:15 for our 3 1/2 hour trip. We had to stop and get gas, we got pulled over and we STILL got there in 2 hours and 45 minutes... an answer to prayer NO DOUBT! I am grateful to Heavenly Father for understanding the need that Lauren and I had to be able to experience this together, along with Adam (of course), his mom and his sweet aunt that video taped the labor and delivery. It was a very special night and I know that Lauren and Adam will be wonderful parents to their adorable daughter!

Here is the newest beautiful addition to our family!

Look at all of this hair!

First family photo

Liberty was born at 8:01 p.m weighing 7 lbs. 15 oz. and was 20.5 inches long